Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
– Isaiah 6:8 NIV
From collecting food for our local friends in need or helping to broaden awareness of hunger around the globe, Indian Run is committed to sharing God’s love with others through missions. Learn more about the key missions Indian Run supports and discover where you are called to serve.
Welcome Warehouse serves people in the Dublin City School District who are struggling to meet basic needs because of job loss, underemployment, health crises, or other challenges. The Welcome Warehouse Free Store is located at Indian Run. Indian Run also provides volunteers and collects needed items throughout the year.
Contact: Julie Allen
The mission of the New Life Community Outreach is to provide food, clothing and free medical care for our neighbors in need in the Short North and around Columbus. Indian Run collects items for New Life throughout the year and has a commitment to provide volunteers to the breakfast ministry and clothing room for men on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Sign up in serve on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.
Contact: Dena Patton
The Dublin Food Pantry is dedicated to providing for the needs of hungry people by collecting and distributing food and grocery products, educating the community about hunger, and collaborating with others who address basic human needs. The Pantry provides food for more than 9000 individuals each year in the Dublin Community. Indian Run provides volunteers during the month of February and holds a food drive twice a year during February and November.
Contact: Phyllis Fetzer
Meals-on-Wheels, a division of LifeCare Alliance, provides hot nutritious meals to older adults and chronically ill persons who are unable to provide meals for themselves. Caring volunteers and staff deliver meals to the home 365 days a year. Indian Run volunteers deliver lunches on Saturdays.
Contact: Church Office
Hilliard Adopt-A-House is a non-profit, public charity located in the northwest suburbs of the Greater Columbus, Ohio area, whose mission is to bring affordable housing to economically disadvantaged families, most commonly in partnership with Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio. As one of five partner churches, Indian Run provides volunteers on Wednesdays and Saturdays and also takes turns providing lunches for the work crew.
Contact: Larry Hutchison
Good Works
Since 1981, the Good Works vision has been to create and sustain a community of hope with and for people who are struggling with poverty and homelessness in rural Southeast Ohio by helping to make connections with people, programs, services and opportunities in our community. Indian Run supports Good Works both financially and in other hands-on ways.
Contact: Jim Weaver
Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair in Central Appalachia. Indian Run sends a team of students and adults for a week each summer to help make homes warmer, safer, and drier.
Contact: Nick Mastin
30 Hour Famine is a student-run fundraising event benefiting World Vision, where students fast for 30 hours to raise funds to fight hunger across the globe. During the event, they grow closer together and to God through fun games and community service activities that open their eyes to the truth about global hunger. Indian Run students participate in this “no-eat” overnight event each year in late winter/early spring.
Contact: Nick Mastin
United Methodist Volunteers In Mission
United Methodist Volunteers In Mission exists to promote, encourage and enable Christians to exemplify “Christian Love in Action” through short-term mission service at home and abroad. The task of each team is to use their abilities (such as medical care, teaching, constructions or repair a building) to lift up Jesus Christ and serve where we are called. Indian Run UMC typically sends a team of adults to an international VIM mission site each year.
Contact: Church Office
Indian Run also supports various mission ministries and disaster relief projects around the world though the United MethodistChurch throughout the year.
Contact: Church Office
Christmas Giving Tree
Each year, in collaboration with local agencies, Indian Run identifies numerous individuals and families who may be “just getting by” and do not have resources for any extras at Christmas. Indian Run families provide specific items requested by the families.
Contact: Church Office
Christmas Mitten Tree
Indian Run collects hats, scarves, gloves and mittens for school-age children at Christmas time.
Contact: Alice Gulker
Light the Way Campaign
“Light the Way” provides financial support for new church start ups and renewal for existing churches in the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church and supports the North Katanga Conference in Africa. Indian Run supports the “Light the Way Campaign” by a love offering taken to the annual conference.
Contact: Church Office