Dear friends,
What a gift it is to be a part of a community that is working together to Grow Love in all the ways we can! God’s love is being made known in powerful ways through the variety of unique commitments you have made to support the mission of Indian Run in the past year. The time is now upon us to prayerfully consider the commitments God is calling us to make for the coming year.
You will find this year’s Annual Commitment Form enclosed. As always, there are places on the form where you can make specific commitments in each of the five areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. There are additional instructions on the back of this letter to help you better understand how to complete the form, and the enclosed information guide will provide further information on each of the commitment options.
Please note that we have made the following changes to the form this year:
- Each individual will complete their own form.
- In order to ensure our database records are correct, we have filled in the contact information we have for each individual’s commitment form. Please note any changes that are necessary and fill in any blanks that you find on your form.
- If your financial gifts are offered as a household, please indicate your commitment on only one spouse’s form and have the other spouse check the circle at the bottom of the form in the “gifts” section.
- In response to some who have shared concerns regarding the future of the denomination, we are offering the opportunity to select whether your financial commitment is for a full year or just for the first half of the year. Those who elect to make commitments through June only will be offered the opportunity to update their commitments next summer.
Please plan to bring your completed Annual Commitment Form with you on Sunday, October 27. We will celebrate and consecrate our commitments during worship that day. If you cannot be present that day, simply send your completed form to the church office anytime before October 27. Additional copies of the form are available at the welcome center or on our website.
Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering the commitments God is calling you to make to support the ministries of Indian Run in the coming year. Just imagine all that we can accomplish for the sake of God’s kingdom as a result of everyone joining together in saying “I’m INdian Run!”
Following the way of Jesus alongside you,
Rev. Jeff Allen, Lead Pastor
Uderstanding the Annual Commitment Form
Commitments made on this form are for the 2020 year only. It’s a great way to try something new without feeling like you’re signing up for life!
When the commitment form is received by the church, the specific commitments made by each individual will be entered into our church database. You will receive a confirmation of the commitments you made before the end of the year, just to ensure we entered the data correctly.
To ensure your privacy, the “Gifts” section of the commitment form will be removed by the Indian Run bookkeeper before the rest of the form is given to those who will enter your commitment information into the church database.
There are many different options listed in the “Service” section. Selecting an option in that section indicates to the ministry team leader that you would be willing to help in that area of ministry. The ministry team leaders will contact you no later than January to connect you to the needs of the ministries you have selected and to further discuss the level of commitment you’re able to provide. If you have specific questions about any of the service options, please contact the following people:
Adult Discipleship, Andrea Laux Youth Ministry, Nick Mastin Children’s Ministry, Amy Catanella Care Ministry, Phyllis Fetzer Welcoming Ministries, Andrea Laux Missions & Outreach, Phyllis Fetzer Worship, Jeff Allen Church Operations, Cindy Danko-Southey Nominated Ministries, Andrea Laux
The nominated ministries of Conference/District Committees, Trustees, Staff-Parish Relations (SPR), Finance, Connection, and Endowment are subject to the nominations process. Checking these boxes will indicate to the Connection Team that you would be willing to serve in a certain area.